Week 6-8: 
Speeches  - you need to prepare a speech of at least two minutes to present to the class at the beginning of Week 8( or end of next week if you are keen and organised!). The best speeches will go through to a Year 7 final on the Wednesday of Week 8 and the very best will be presented at the Year 7 & 8 speech final in the Chapel on Thursday 1 December. Often the hardest part is choosing a topic so have a search on line or check out the links below:

Ask yourself if you would want to listen to what you are speaking about!
(if not...change your topic!)

Your speech needs to be written onto cue cards

Kid President & Brad Montague Headshot

Your poster preview
Welcome back boys! Your task in prep for the next two weeks is to prepare for exams in Week 3. We will look at ways to revise/ study in class. Tonight I would like you to have a look at the Y7 Exam Preparation tab on the blog and work out which areas you need to spend the most time on. You might like to do some work in your Action English book (check what you need to focus on ).

Also have a look at this link to help build your vocabulary learnersdictionary.com/

"Be the best you can be!"  Motivate and educate your students with the powerful message on this stylish poster.:
Week Seven:
Only new task is spelling - alphabetical order and spelling sentences - check that what you write reflects what list words mean and are appropriately punctuated.
Check you have completed:

  • Miss Ellingham's KC work - overdue
  • Your Olympic Matrix work - one task from each line by the end of the week, make sure each task is in your prep folder on a named doc!
  • 2 book reviews by the end of term - if you haven't read two books, one can be based on 'The Honest Truth'
Refer back on Term 3 on the blog for further details around tasks but if you still do not understand what to do, ASK - once tasks are due it is too late!

Week Five
Now is the time to really focus on your time management. You have the following tasks that need to be worked on/completed:

  • Persuasive Writing - this is an essay that writes about ONE side of ONE of the topics we looked at in Week One. This is due, edited and glued in your Writing book by the end of this week.
  • Miss Ellingham's work linking Key Competencies to an Olympic athlete (ongoing)
  • The Rio Olympics Matrix - you need to complete at least ONE on each line(link below in Week 5) - you can do more but ONE is the minimum! You have until the end of Week 6 to finish this and will have a little time in class - use it wisely!
  • Read! Read! Read! Remember I want TWO book reviews completed by the end of term - so far I have two boys who have completed ONE and ONE boy who has completed TWO!

Week Four:
Check the email I have sent to you all with work to go on with. 
Also ensure all work from last week (class and prep tasks) are completed. 

Social Sciences (with Miss Ellingham)
Continue with your Olympic athlete and their capabilities related to the key competencies (outline is in the back of your written language book) Our next session will be next Tuesday and I will expect to see at least two competencies complete with notes.

Below is the link to the Olympic matrix - click on the picture!
Image result for olympics

Week Three:
We are now over a quarter of the way through this term - are you working as hard as possible? There is a lighter prep load this week as some boys are involved in Kids Sing and many have billets from Dilworth. 
Reading - keep reading every night and track your mileage in your reading log. Many boys are onto their second novel and a couple are onto their third. A suitable novel should be one you want to read every chance you get! 

Writing - we are looking at making Connections and an obvious one is between Mark and Jessie in 'The Honest Truth' and Ricky Baker in 'Hunt for the Wilderpeople' who all use haiku to process/ communicate what is happening in their lives. Create a haiku page (or two) in your writing book. Write at least two haiku from Mark's perspective and at least one from Jessie's. Use your own world/environment to write more - remembering the 5/7/5 patterning. I loved Geordie's haiku about a woman being awarded NZ's first medal at Rio. Be creative - traditionally haiku were poem's about nature and the season's but can be used as a writing structure for anything.
What is haiku?
Haiku is a Japanese poetry form. A haiku uses just a few words to capture a moment and create a picture in the reader's mind. It is like a tiny window into a scene much larger than itself. 

 In your haiku, try to use details related to the senses -- sight, hearing, touch, smell, or taste. 

Try to "zoom in" on a small detail that contains the feeling of the larger scene.


Week Two: 
Reading - keep reading every night and track your progress in your reading log. When you have finished your book I want you to create/write a book review. This will be displayed on the wall so needs to be presented appropriately (think colour/layout etc). You need to include:
Title and author
A summary of the story
Your review on the book - was it a good book to read? Why or why not? Would you recommend it to other readers? Who? (what age or interest groups). Rank your book out of ten with a justification for your ranking.

Persuasive Writing - read each of the topics/questions below and come up with 3-4 ideas (for each) that support your perspective (whether you agree or disagree). 
  • Sport should be compulsory for all children.
  • Junk food should be banned.
  • Animals should be kept in zoos.
  • Gaming is good for your brain.
On an A4 sheet of paper type up and print out your question/ questions you are going to find out about for your passion project. These will go on the wall so need to be be written in a large, colourful font.

Thursday 28 July - Writing:

  1. Define persuade - find and copy out 2 definitions from different sources (write the source).
  2. Write your own definition of persuade - in language you understand!
  3. Research online and explain what you think persuasive writing is.                                              'I think persuasive writing is...'
  4. Glue in vocab sheet.
  5. Write a persuasive paragraph (at least four sentences) expressing your opinion on whether:
Remember to backup your ideas with reasons!

Wednesday 27 July- work on refining your questions for wonder time tomorrow and ensure you are recording pages read in your reading log - ensure both doc's have a title for easy identification. I am checking these and there are several boys who have not started!

Week One, Monday 25 July - this term prep will be given weekly however, for Week One, it will be added each day so keep a lookout for something new!

Reading - as discussed today we are having a focus on building reading mileage this term and I would like you to keep a reading log. Tonight, create a new google sheet and set it up to record the name of your book, author and the number of pages you read each day. This needs to be filled in daily. At the end of each week you need to write a summary of what has happened over your week of reading - THIS IS FOR YOUR NOVEL ONLY!

WONDER HOUR - For one hour each week we are going to 'find' the time to ask the questions we have always wanted to find the answers too. In some classes this is called a passion project, genius hour or '20% Time' ( can you find out why?) but essentially it is the opportunity to research/ discover/ build/ create an answer or solution to a question that fascinates you. For prep Monday and Tuesday you are to create another Google Doc and come up with a list of some questions/ things that you wonder about. These are the BIG questions and need to be open ended. This link to Wonderopolis  might be a good place to start if you are struggling or check out some of the endless lists on Google. Just make a list to start with that is all that is required...

SCIENCE - definitions.

We have a new timetable which rolls out on Monday - I will go over this, and it's implications for you. Key things to note

  • All Year 7 and 8s go to Tech each week. Drama will be every second week in half class groups.
  • Chapel is only twice a week - on Wednesday, for Seniors only, and with the whole school on Friday
  • On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday classes will start at 8.10



Week Eight:
In your day book - write what each of the words in SCAMPER means (in your own words) - write a synonym for substitute, combine, adapt etc. You might write a word, or phrase, for each. 
SCAMPER COLLABORATION TASK - using the invention/innovations you were randomly given in class today think about how aspects of the creative thinking tool SCAMPER has been applied to the first version of the item through to what the item is like today. Work on the collaborative doc you have created with your partner. Remember you do not have to use each letter of SCAMPER.
NOW think creatively to consider how you could apply SCAMPER to the most recent edition and change it even more! Be creative!


Week Seven:
Complete your synonym word wheels to a 'wall-worthy' standard  - neatly shaded etc

Spelling sentences - due Friday. Check you have used interesting language and appropriate/ varied punctuation. No two sentences can start with the same word!

Writing: WALT to write information reports using appropriate language and structure. Next week you will write one on an invention/innovation. This week you will write one about Hereworth School. Refer to examples. frameworks given out in class.
 Due Friday. 

Week Six:
Synonym Word Wheel:
WALT choose alternatives for commonly overused words:
Group One – adjectives
Group Two & Three – verbs
Hugh/ Angus - Adverbs
  • ·      Select the four words you think are overused. Underneath, list as many synonyms as you can that can be used as ‘better or stronger’ alternatives. Present in a table on a google doc.
  • ·      Use resources to add to your list
  • ·      Select your strongest synonyms, check they are spelt correctly and create a word wheel – these will be displayed so spelling is important
  • ·      Complete Action English  Page 43

Start thinking / discussing with your parents about an invention/innovation that has changed significantly from when it was first created. You will be completing a report on this by the end of term - do not start writing yet!

Week Five:

That's right - there is no new prep set from me this week so look back over the term so far and make sure you have completed all you need to. Do read for at least twenty minutes a night and spend some time on iXL.

Week Four: Just the one set task for this week but ensure you are on top of all areas AND try to read for at least 20 minutes each night.

 Top Ten Innovations Of All Time Research
 Due Friday 27 May
Complete the sheet in your daybook. This task requires you to research what you believe are the top ten innovations of all time with a reason for your ranking. Draft first before writing down your final rankings( 1 being the innovation you believe to be the most significant ever)Remember to write a definition of what you think innovation is in the box provided at the top of the page.Be prepared to justify and discuss in class so we can create a class top ten. 
40 Greatest Innovations Of All Time

50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since The Wheel

Top 30 of the Last 30 Years

Week Three -

'Life Is What You Make Of It':
Today we watched a video clip on Sam Gibson, the Hawkes Bay man who passed away yesterday. Listed are some more but there is plenty of information on the internet. Power Chair    Just a metre tall but this man lives more than most.
I've Got The Means To Live A Pretty Full and Rich Life  

  • In a paragraph or two, outline who Sam was; what he was originally known for; what he has done in his life that could be considered 'achievements'; how he felt about being an 'inspirational' speaker and what his approach to life was. In the clip he states 'life is what you make of it' and 'there's always a way'. What does he mean by statements such as these?
  • Link into innovation: working with design engineers Sam developed a wheelchair to meet his needs. Explain what obstacles this enabled him to overcome. How is it different to 'regular' wheelchairs? Include a picture and any other information you can find.
  • Research to find a quote that you find inspiring or motivating. Present it creatively and explain what it means to you. 
  • Due Monday, Week Four (as I am away Friday on a course)
I will introduce this tomorrow (Wednesday) but you might like to start thinking/researching tonight:
 Top Ten Innovations Of All Time Research
 Due Friday 27 May
Complete the sheet in your daybook. This task requires you to research what you believe are the top ten innovations of all time with a reason for your ranking. Draft first before writing down your final rankings( 1 being the innovation you believe to be the most significant ever)Remember to write a definition of what you think innovation is in the box provided at the top of the page.Be prepared to justify and discuss in class so we can create a class top ten. 

I am away Monday but prep for Monday night is spelling sentences - each sentence needs to contain a 'WOW' word - a word that shows you have selected it to add impact. Highlight this word. Remember to refer to the punctuation ladder and aim to get to the next step.

Week Two - No spelling sentences this week (listening to feedback from our stop/start/stay discussion last week).

'We Will Remember Them' - silhouette due Friday. Remember quantity and quality of information will be assessed. PUSH YOURSELF TO BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE!

Literacy - two adjective art examples are to be completed by Friday - these should visually represent the adjective. Complete Action English Pages 13 and 14.

Silent read for at least ten minutes each night.

Check Maths Blog!

Start as you mean to continue with prep - be motivated, organised and remember:

Spelling: Spelling LIsts
Sentences for all words are due on Friday. Consider the punctuation wall and where you would like to be - provide evidence of where you are and write a reflective statement at the bottom of your sentences eg
I think I am working on step 3 of the ladder because all my sentences have a capital letter and full stop, I have used one comma and one question mark but no exclamation mark.

Social Science: 'We Will Remember Them'. Research a family member who has served in a war. Outline the following:
  • which war they were involved in and where that was
  • how old they were when they went away
  • how long they were away from home
  • any particular battles they were involved in
  • medals they were awarded
  • any particular memories they had which have been passed on
  • whether they survived the war
  • anything else you found interesting
Please be sensitive when requesting this information!

This work will go to your mid-year Social Science mark and can be written as bullet points or in paragraph form but needs to be presented in a silhouette of a soldier's head and shoulders or a medal - using Google Drawings is probably easiest. These will be cut out and displayed on the wall. Example below: 

If you do not have any information on family members who have served in conflict use the internet, or one of the school library's books to find a New Zealand soldier who did.

Due Friday 13 May

Check Maths blog for Maths prep.


Three tasks this week - two of which you started last week:

  • Continue to work on your digital presentation - keep returning to the purpose of this task - don't just regurgitate facts! Due Wednesday 13 April
PURPOSE - to create a digital presentation (slideshow, powerpoint, prezi etc) to educate visitors to New Zealand about what it means to be a New Zealander.

  • Oral English Competition - we will start sharing these in class on Monday 11 April - refer back to the criteria you are being assessed on.
  • You are to complete a second research piece on another of the events you selected as having a significant impact on making NZ the country it is today - this is exactly what was asked for in Week 7 (check - click into this link to see Lachy McIntosh's efforts - this was exactly what I was after! Remember to include a statement about why it is/was significant. Lachy's work on the Treaty of Waitangi Due Friday 8 April
  • Keep practising your pepeha - we will continue presenting these tomorrow and for the rest of the week. REMEMBER CORRECT PRONUNCIATION IS KEY!
  • Check the Maths tab for prep for your Maths class.

Term One - WOW! Week 9 already! Less than three weeks until the end of term so some of you are really going to have to put your foot on the accelerator to get all work completed!

Due Wednesday:

  • 2 bubbles of 'What it means to be a New Zealander?' sheet filled in - be detailed in your responses.
  • Select a passage for the LS Rickard Oral English Competition - details below.
  • Practise your pepeha to present in class on Thursday - remember detail, correct pronunciation etc - if you need help with this please see Mrs Field or Mrs Kasper.
  • Check Maths class blog
  • Read through NZ Identity research task outlined below

You need to select a passage from a book to present to the class - it needs to be 1.5 - 2 minutes long. You will be marked using the criteria below and will present your pieces to the class on Monday and Tuesday of Week 11. A Year 7 final will then be held with successful students moving to the Year 7/8 final in the Chapel on Friday 15 April at 10.30 am. Successful finalists will also have to read an unseen piece. 
Choose an extract from a story that is familiar to you; that will hold the audience's attention and that gives plenty of opportunity for expression - then
practise, practise, practise!



Eye Contact


Volume & Clarity




Click on image below for details of the digital presentation to educate visitors to New Zealand about what it means to be a New Zealander - we will discuss this in class on Wednesday.

Week 7:
Complete spelling sentences.Spelling Lists Check that each sentence :

  • starts with a different word.
  • starts with a capital letter.
  • ends with appropriate punctuation.
  • reflects the meaning of your list word - AND makes sense.
  • has the list word underlined in red pen.
 - select one of the events you chose last week to present on the timeline of significant events in New Zealand history. Research to answer each of Kipling's 'servants' - see link below. Present your work on a doc or piece of paper as bullet points - What? Where? When etc then write your research into a paragraph. Include an image.

Weekly Quiz  ( password table)  -  follow instructions 1) and 2) from Week Four and complete your work in the BACK of your Day Book. 

Term One - Week 6: Work listed below is to be completed by Friday. You will have some time in class so make sure you: MAXIMISE YOUR WORK OUTPUT TO MINIMISE WHAT YOU NEED TO COMPLETE FOR PREP!

  • Spelling words need to be rewritten into alphabetical order then written into a sentence which shows you understand what the word means. Remember capital letters for proper nouns and to start each sentence. Also remember end punctuation - .!or ? Underline list words in red.    Spelling List
  • Identify 3 significant events in the history of New Zealand and record these on three separate cards - these will be displayed on the wall and will form the basis of discussions and compare and contrast work next week. Please make sure your writing is large enough to be read and that spelling is correct. 
  • Click on image below for writing that must be completed:

    • Research and complete your pepeha. You have been provided with three sample outlines(including the one below) - select one, or parts of each one, that work for you. Remember this is an explanation of who you are, your links to the land and your ancestory. Your are to present your work creatively in a visual presentation - think about colour, use of supporting images etc and we will also present these orally in Week 7. The link below, accessed by clicking on the image, is the same as what is in your day book. WRITING ONLY MUST BE COMPLETED THIS WEEK  - VISUAL REPRESENTATION BY NEXT WEEK.

    Term One, Week Five: All prep is due Friday unless otherwise specified: With billeting our Southwell guests and the social this week, I am giving less prep so ALL boys should get tasks completed.

    1. Spelling words need to be rewritten into alphabetical order then written into a sentence which shows you understand what the word means. Remember capital letters for proper nouns and to start each sentence. Also remember end punctuation - .!or ? Underline list words in red.
    2. Complete the NZ geography quiz started in class on Monday. Glue into your day book
    3. Ensure all prep for other teachers is completed - jounal work for Mr Exeter; tiki faces for Mrs Kasper and Technology title page for Miss Munro
    4. Try to read for at least ten minutes every night.


    Term One, Week Four: All prep is due Friday unless otherwise specified:


    • FINISH READING THE STORIES - YOU CAN DO THIS YOURSELF OR GET SOMEONE TO READ TO YOU  - Hatters Gold; Benny; Oakley Creek; Seeing Hawk; Spirit of the Bird; Thirst; The Leather Satchel; Boost; The Rules; Happy New Year
    • RATE EACH STORY OUT OF 10        /10

    1. Click on the image above to access then complete the  current events quiz in the back of your Day Book. Write the number then the letter of the correct answer. eg 1. A

    2. Select five of the questions and write a full sentence response from answers provided. For example, if question was 'What is the capital city of New Zealand?' 
    a) Wellington 
    b) Christchurch
    c) Auckland

    Your response would be:
    1.  a  The capital city of NZ is Wellington.
    1.  a   Wellington is the capital city of NZ.

    Finally select two of the news items, one national and one international, and find out some more information - use key questions - What? When? Where? Who? Why? to help you. 

    Copy your list words into your day book. Using either your book or ipad/ chromebook, rewrite the words into alphabetical order then use each in a sentence that shows you understand what the word means - use a dictionary if you are unsure. 

    eg If your list word is butcher, the sentence 'I am a butcher.' does not show understanding of what the word means whereas 'The butcher cut the beef into steaks.' is a far better sentence. 

    Remember to use a range of sentence starters and ensure each sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop or other appropriate punctuation.
    7KF Maths - complete all work started in class. AWS Homework sheet on 'Special Numbers' ( factors, prime numbers, multiples etc) is due Friday. 

    Create 3 'WHAT NUMBER AM I?' problems to solve - using Maths vocab - factors, divisibility rules, prime numbers etc
    Log into IXL using the login and password that has been emailed to you - explore!!! I will be checking how much has been completed...
    Week Two:


    Your task this week is to create a dust jacket of a book that you have either read, or had read to you, that you feel others in the class would enjoy reading. You may copy the cover of the book or design an original of your own but consider layout( use of space); lettering; colour etc. DON'T FORGET A SPINE!( Rule in 14 cm from each side )
    On the part that would be the back ie the left hand side as you look at the book you are to write a summary of the book (without giving the ending away!) and why you recommend this to other boys. Write this into your writing book first so it can be checked for mistakes. 
    Have a look at the books you have at home or that are in the school library - what draws the reader to them? Due Friday.


    Read for at least 15 minutes each night. Remember you need to have read at least four journal stories for Mr Exeter by tomorrow.

    Week One - 

    Thursday - complete the letter ( link below)
    Action English - Page 54. Vowels and Consonants

    Think about what Mr Fiet spoke about in chapel and our discussion in class then complete your B - HAG ( your Big Hairy Audacious Goal)- present it in the explosion graphic you were given in class. Due tomorrow.

    Click on the image below for the prep for the rest of the week!
     Letter To Mrs Field

    What a fantastic start to the term - I can already see 7KF 2016 is going to be a great class!
    We have not yet been into the computer room to create Hereworth log-ins or to go over how the blog works so, until then prep is a little more limited than it will be in the future.
    Prep tonight: Individual Profiles - boys should have brought these home and ideally would spend 45 minutes working on these tonight. They will be displayed in our class so accuracy of spelling and tidy presentation is key!