Year 7 Exam Preparation

Year 7 Timetable - sit within class
Tuesday 25th October
Wednesday 26th October
Thursday 27th October
Friday 28th October
8.10 - 10.00am

English (NM/ME)

English (KF)

Social Science

PAT will fit in around exams at the discretion of classroom teachers - there is no specific preparation to be be completed prior to sitting PATs.

Term 4 Year 7 Exam Content 2016

It is important to revise in preparation for our end of year exams.  In the table below you will find the areas to focus on.
Your teachers will work with you to support you in the preparation for these exams.  It is important to utilise both your class and prep time well.  If you are missing any work it is your responsibility to source copies - or ask for help in doing so. Remember what you put in, you get out!
Key Learning Area
Useful Preparation:

Thinking with Evidence:
  1. M&M experiment
  2. Dilution is the solution to pollution
  3. Fair testing - what makes a fair test ?
  4. Interpreting scientific diagrams
  5. Interpreting scientific text
  6. Ecology


  • Parts of speech  - nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs etc
  • Antonyms, synonyms and homonyms
  • Commonly mis-spelt words
  • Prefixes and Suffixes
  • Tenses - past, present and future
  • Punctuation
  • Proofreading
  • Persuasive Writing
  • Structure, vocabulary, language features
NB there will be no reading comprehension or vocabulary testing as this will be assessed in end of year PATs

Social Science

1. Identification and explanation of the Key Competencies.
2.Key Competencies and links with an example.
3.Basic General Knowledge questions related to the Rio Olympics-New Zealand Athletes, Olympic Pictograms.

Number - +/-/X and division, BEDMAS, fractions, decimals and percentages, factors, multiples, square and cubed numbers etc
Geometry - characteristics of 2D and 3D shapes; drawing and measuring angles; transformation
Statistics - drawing and interpreting graphs and tables
Measurement - units, time, area, perimeter
Problem Solving