7NM 2016

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."



Go on - make a pig of yourself  with your learning this year !!


Week Two:

  • A shortened week due to Show weekend. Make sure that you have checked the examination timetable.
  •  Revision will be done during class time so make the most of this opportunity.
  • Ensure that you are aware of what needs to be studied - it is on this blog under the exams tab.
  • In keeping with our study of 'Non Nobis Solum' please remember to bring in your Christmas boxes to be sent to Fiji - it would be wonderful if every boy in our class could fill one of these.
  • Wishing the tennis championship boys every success on Wednesday.
  • Leadership application letters in by week 4 please.

Week One:
Welcome back to a very busy and jam packed fourth term. Examinations are only a couple of weeks away. Refer to the specific tab headed as Exam preparation for specific information regarding these.

Specific revision will be done each day as well as study skills and exam writing techniques.


Week Seven

Post Olympic study - Third row - Two selections from this row (you may do more if you

  • This may be presented in any way of your choosing.
  • If you are using technology then ask -

  1.  "Is this the most effective use of this technology?"
  2.  "Am I maximising the potential of the device or software?"
  3.  "Am I just using the technology as a very expensive notepad which could be done as easily in a book?"

Poetry Analysis - War Poets

1. Analyse the first five lines - Dulce et Decorum Est 
2. Give the theme, setting, subject matter and mood of the poem

This is due tomorrow - 6/9

Social Sciences (with Miss Ellingham)

  • Part One and Part Two of of your Olympic Athlete/Key Competencies is due by the end of this week-Friday 9th of September.

Week Six

Formal Dance this Friday - if you are unsure of any details please check the calendar or ask me.

Post Olympic study - Second row - Two selections from this row (you may do more if you

  • This may be presented in any way of your choosing.
  • If you are using technology then ask -

  1.  "Is this the most effective use of this technology?"
  2.  "Am I maximising the potential of the device or software?"
  3.  "Am I just using the technology as a very expensive notepad which could be done as easily in a book?"
Week Five

Due dates for work - these have been discussed and agreed to by the boys themselves.

 This is in light of recent illness and absence from school. If, at any stage, these are too demanding due to this recent illness then please let me know and they can be reviewed.
  • Post Olympic Study - row one (knowledge) Number 3 and one other (1,2 or 4) due on Friday 26/8
  • Persuasive writing - zoo's essay due Friday 26/8
  • M&M laboratory work - due tomorrow
  • Dilution laboratory work - due Friday 26/8
  • Ecology notes - next Friday 2/9

Week Five- Social Sciences (with Miss Ellingham)

  • Continue with your Olympic athlete and their capabilities related to the key competencies (outline is in your daybook and has been shared with you) Our next session will be this Thursday and I will expect to see all competencies complete with notes and a start made on Part Two of this assignment. You will be given time in class on Thursday to work on this. Please bring all necessary tools for learning.
Literacy : 

  • Reading - keep reading fictional works. No set text for this term.
  • Persuasive writing - continue with persuasive essay writing. Refer to the rubric for marking/success criteria.
  • Make a start on our 'Post Olympics Study' 
Science :

  • M&M laboratory work - make sure you have a record of the observations made - photo's, notes, bullet points ........
  • Dilution is the solution to pollution laboratory work - record your observations, complete the table and answer the questions.
  • Mystery box investigation - complete the record sheet 

Week Four- Social Sciences (with Miss Ellingham)

  • Continue with your Olympic athlete and their capabilities related to the key competencies (outline is in your daybook) Our next session will be next Tuesday and I will expect to see at least two competencies (minimum) complete with notes.

Week Two

1. Literacy -

  •  Spelling - complete your next page of spelling -  Due Friday
  •  Reading - War Horse - complete range of activities based on this book. 
  •  Written Language - Persuasive Writing - "Zoo's are a necessary evil" - create an accurate T-chart with detailed arguments. Reference each argument (URL will be sufficient). Rank your arguments as these form your paragraphs in your essay. Prepare counter arguments as well.

2. Science -

  •        Scientific method - Observation skills- record your observations of our M&M practical investigation.
    • Ecology - complete at least two of the written activities/sheets as part of your knowledge component for this unit.
3. Numeracy - 

  • Continue to work through IXL Year 8 Geometry (2d shapes, 3d shapes, Angle rules, Symmetry)

4. Social Sciences (with Miss Ellingham)

  • Continue with your Olympic athlete and their capabilities related to the key competencies (outline is in your daybook) Our next session will be next Tuesday and I will expect to see at least two competencies complete with notes.


Welcome back to a nine week term -  a very full and busy term !

Week Six

1. Literacy -

  •  Spelling - complete your next page of spelling -  Due Friday
  •  Reading - Novel Study - various as per grouping - done in class only.
  •  Visual Literacy - War Horse - video and chapter study - done in class only
  •  Written Language - 'Meanings" - write your definition of KNOWLEDGE.
2. Science -

  •        Scientific method - Rotothopters. Hypothesising and testing the Scientific Method.
  •        Dinosaur Tracks - Record your thoughts on what may have happened in the diagram in                                         your book

'A modern day dinosaur??!!!'

3. Mathematics - Statistics - Histograms - Time/series graphs - grouped data and ungrouped data.

Week Four

1. Literacy - Spelling - complete your next page of spelling -  Due Friday
                    Reading - Novel Study - various as per grouping - done in class only.
                    Visual Literacy - War Horse - video and chapter study - done in class only
                    Written Language - Narrative writing - "Tan writing" from images. Ensure that Y chart                                                    is complete. Check sentence starters, story starters.
     Written language - War Poets - read up on Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owen etc.

2. Science - Scientific method - Rotothopters. Hypothesising and testing the Scientific Method.
3. Mathematics - Statistics - mean, mode, range, median - grouped data and ungrouped data.

Week One

1. Literacy - Spelling - complete your next page of spelling -  Due Friday
                    Reading - Novel Study - various as per grouping - done in class only.
                    Visual Literacy - War Horse - video and chapter study - done in class only
     Written language - War Poets - read up on Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owen etc.
Follow the link given in this image for details of poems written

Image result for war poets

Why did they write these poems ?  What form/style did they take ? Historically they performed a vital role - explain.

Image result for war poets


2. Science - Introduction to Forces - read up on force and Newton's Laws of motion.
3. Mathematics - Streamed class - Decimals, Fractions and Percentages - classwork only. IXL for prep relative to these concepts.



Week Nine 

A very busy term is rapidly drawing to a close !!!!

It is very important to check on the following please:

  • Open afternoon tomorrow 2:00 - 3:30
  • Winter sport trials commence 
  • L.S.Rickard Oral English competition Week 10  Tuesday - Info below.

1. Literacy - Spelling - complete your next page of spelling - List 6 or 7 Due Friday
                    Reading - Novel Study - various as per grouping - done in class only.
                    Visual Literacy - War Horse - video and chapter study - done in class only
                    NZ then and now - Compare and Contrast - Iceberg Diagram.

Digital presentation - To educate and inform tourists about New Zealand - due week 11 - refer to success criteria on 8MW blog. 

2. Science - Google Classroom - experiment questions.
3. Mathematics - Streamed class - Introduction to Algebra - classwork only - complete what is not                                                                                                                            finished in class.

You need to select a passage from a book to present to the class - it needs to be 1.5 - 2 minutes long. You will be marked using the criteria below and will present your pieces to the class on Tuesday of Week 10. A Year 7 final will then be held with successful students moving to the Year 7/8 final in the Chapel on Friday 15 April at 10.30 am. Successful finalists will also have to read an unseen piece. 
Choose an extract from a story that is familiar to you; that will hold the audience's attention and that gives plenty of opportunity for expression - then
practise, practise, practise!

Week Four

The campers have returned triumphant over the elements !! Well done to all of our boys for their determination and effort.


1. Spelling programme - due Friday 27/2
2. Informed Identity - ongoing - due Week 7
3. Read over Show not Tell notes AGAIN....!
4. The shortest of stories - Friday 27/2 - Fantasy genre. approx 8 paragraphs. Refer to note handed out.
5. Metacognition question - due Friday 27/2
6. Action English: page 21/22 - due tomorrow 23/2 complete
7. Mathematics 7NM class only - Logical Thinking 1,2,3,4 - handout- due tomorrow - 23/2 complete
8. Mathematics - Logical thinking 1,2, - due tomorrow - 24/2. Visit IXL - factors, multiples, exponents.

Week Two

Many thanks to those parents who have returned the Camp Medical Form. These are essential if your son is to attend camp. A copy may be found on our website under the Information tab - camps.

At this stage the Year 8's are on camp. As such we will only begin with Languages after we return from our camp i.e. Week 4 will see the language programme start. Science classes will begin this week for all Year 7 boys. Numeracy assessment will continue in each class. Your son's banded class will be made public next Monday 15/2


1. Basic Course in English - individual programmes (not all boys) - due tomorrow 10/2
2. Desk Labels - due Friday 12/2
3. Spelling programme - due Friday 12/2
4. Informed Identity - ongoing - due Week 7
5. Science title page - "What's the Matter" - due Friday 12/2

6. Read over Show not Tell notes AGAIN....!
7. The shortest of stories - Friday 26/2 - Fantasy genre. approx 8 paragraphs. Refer to note handed out.
Reference image for SOS writing

Week One 


Literacy: 1. Expectation Writing : Due Friday 5/2
              2. Show not Tell - 2 Paragraphs : Due Friday 5/2
              3. Show not Tell - 2 Exercises (Shirley Jump) : Due Friday 5/2
              4. Informed Identity - Week 7 

Science L 1. Title Page - What's the Matter - due Wed 10/2

 A very warm welcome to all boys and parents, both current and new, to 7NM and  the start of our first term for the year. We have a full compliment of boys - 23 - in our class.

 This blog will offer a range of information from reminders and notifications to prep details. It is advisable to check it daily. I will also be making use of Google Classroom - a very effective online tool for learning and management of tasks.

I am only too happy to meet with parents when necessary - this may be before school from 07:30 to 08:00 or after sport at 16:30. I will email my personal contact number during the first week of the term. Feel free to use this when appropriate - text or call.

 Given the unique nature of this academic class prep will be different to the normal daily set tasks. The boys will be required to prioritise their time, manage activities over an extended period  and think critically about what, and how, they are doing things. The boys will receive guidance and strategies to do this effectively during the course of the first term. The boys will work very hard during class time so prep is often limited. 

The following link may be of interest:

The first week will see assessments being completed for Literacy and Numeracy - these are vital in ensuring that your son receives the appropriate learning programme. 

A number of important activities and events will be taking place this term so please check the school calendar each week. These will also be detailed on this blog as a reminder.


1. Narrative Writing
2. Novel Studies
3. Grammar
4. Informed Identity


Independent Variable - Test variable - what am I testing ?

Dependent Variable - Measured variable - what am I measuring ?

Constants/Controlled Variable - What do I keep the same ?

Practice Scenarios: The Scientific Method

*       Read each of the scenarios below.
*       For each scenario identify the parts of the scientific method.

  1. Ten sunflower seeds were planted in each of 5 pots found around the house that contained 500g of “Pete’s Potting Soil.”  The pots were given the following amounts of distilled water each day for 40 days:
v  Pot #1: 50mL
v  Pot #2: 100mL
v  Pot #3: 150mL
v  Pot #4: 200mL
v  Pot #5: 250mL
Because Pot #3 received the recommended amount of water, it was used as the control.  The height of each plant was measured at the end of the experiment.

Identify the following:

A.    Independent variable: _________________________________

B.     Levels of the independent variable:  _________________________________
C.     Dependent variable:  _________________________________

D.    Number of repeated trials:  _________________________________

E.     Constants: _________________________________

F.      Controls (if present): _________________________________

  1. Susan observed that different types and amounts of fossils were present in a cliff behind her house.  She wondered if changes in fossil types occurred from the top to the bottom of the cliff.  She marked the cliff bank at 5 positions starting from the surface: 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m.  She removed 1 bucket of soil from each of the 5 positions and determined the type and number of fossils in each sample.

  Identify the following:

A.    Independent variable: _________________________________

B.     Levels of the independent variable:  _________________________________

C.     Dependent variable:  _________________________________

D.    Number of repeated trials:  _________________________________

E.     Constants: _________________________________

F.      Controls (if present): _________________________________
Practice Scenarios: The Scientific Method

*       Read each of the scenarios below.
*       For each scenario identify the parts of the scientific method.

  1. Ten sunflower seeds were planted in each of 5 pots found around the house that contained 500g of “Pete’s Potting Soil.”  The pots were given the following amounts of distilled water each day for 40 days:
v  Pot #1: 50mL
v  Pot #2: 100mL
v  Pot #3: 150mL
v  Pot #4: 200mL
v  Pot #5: 250mL
Because Pot #3 received the recommended amount of water, it was used as the control.  The height of each plant was measured at the end of the experiment.

Identify the following:

A.    Independent variable: ___amount of water____

B.     Levels of the independent variable:  __50mL, 100mL, 200mL, 250mL____

C.     Dependent variable:  ___height of plant growth_____

D.    Number of repeated trials:  __4 (in pots 1, 2, 4, 5)___

E.     Constants: __distilled water, 500g potting soil, time – 40days, types of seed, types of pots____

F.      Controls (if present): _Pot #3 – 150mL___

  1. Susan observed that different types and amounts of fossils were present in a cliff behind her house.  She wondered if changes in fossil types occurred from the top to the bottom of the cliff.  She marked the cliff bank at 5 positions starting from the surface: 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m.  She removed 1 bucket of soil from each of the 5 positions and determined the type and number of fossils in each sample.

  Identify the following:

A.    Independent variable: __Position of soil removal____

B.     Levels of the independent variable:  ___5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m____

C.     Dependent variable:  __type of fossil discovered____

D.    Number of repeated trials:  __5 – each position of soil removal____

E.     Constants: __amount of soil removed (1 bucket), same horizontal  location__

F.      Controls (if present): ___None______