Languages Year 8

Year 8 Languages 2016

with  Kasper sensei / Kaiko Mrs Kasper

 Term 1 & 2 Japanese

Term 3 & 4 Te Reo Maori

Welcome to Languages at Hereworth School.  You have the exciting opportunity to learn both Japanese and Te Reo Maori.  

Skills we will focus on and develop are:

Reading, and

Remember these sayings from the Daurma and Tiki,

Piki ake ki te tihi   Strive for excellence!

Generally any missed or incomplete classwork is set.  

TERM 4 TE REO MAORI 'Non nobis solum'
Week 8 and 9
Maori nga geemu - playing traditional maori games

Week 7
Review raranga weaving online for ika and putiputi prior to class

Week 6
Review test feedback.  Finalise any outstanding bookwork

Week 5
Review test feedback.  Complete work on NZ Volcanoes sheet

Week 4
Review test feedback.  Work on NZ Volcanoes sheet

Week 3
Exam / Testing week - Kia kaha!

Week 2
Revise set sections as covered in class for your upcoming Languages and Culture test next week. 
Kia kaha!

Week 1
Whanau - complete your 4 generation family tree with appropriate Maori words.


Week 8
Practise presentation.  Good luck on presenting!

Week 7
Formalising final presentation of material - communicate with your events co-ordinator

Week 6
Have your brainstorm / mindmap / focus notes for team sharing

Week 5
Prepare your Hangi section initial information layout for perusal next class

Week 3/4
Hangi conceptualisation - research your role.

Week 2
Practice the karakia.

Week 1
Focus on Maori mouth formations for their vowels.

Week 9
Consolidation and revision week. Yokkatta!

Week 8 for Week 9
Practice kanji number stroke order for numbers 1 - 10

Week 7 for Week 8
Review Hiragana alphabet strokes ha, ma forms. Familiarise yourself with the script and memory tactics.

Week 6 for Week 7
Reflect on the significance of Matariki occurring this week.

Week 5 for Week 6
Write a 100 word reflection on your IPU, Palmerston North excursion.  Be descriptive!

Week 4 for Week 5
Absorb new phrases ready for our excursion on Friday to IPU, Palmerston North.

Week 3 for Week 4
Review Hiragana alphabet strokes na, ha forms. Familiarise yourself with the script.

Week 2 for Week 3
Practice using your initial greeting of Hajimemashite, Boku wa ______desu, Douzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu.  Work on committing it to memory.

Week 1 for Week 2
Revise the phonetic columns of the a, ka, sa, ta sounds.  Familiarise yourself with the script.

Term 1
**  Enjoy the term break  **
Week 10 for Week 11
Review your salutations, greetings and appropriate bowing posture

Week 9 for Week 10
Revise and consolidate 'Days of the Week' mnemonic song

Week 8 for Week 9
Since practicing in class, endeavour to learn to write your name from memory.

Week 7 for Week 8
Complete written practice work for   a e i o u   in blue books

Week 6 for Week 7
Finalise Days of the Week booklet

Week 5 for Week 6
Complete Kanji meanings sheet