7ME 2016 

Week 5 Tasks

  • Novel Study-complete draft in daybook then publish on A3 template- Due Week 6 Friday 18th November

  • Reading Challenge/Reading Log-make sure your reading challenges are completed and log filled out- due Monday 14th November Week 6

  • Themed Journal Task- Keep working through the tasks for your journal. Remember to refer to the criteria to ensure all tasks are completed. Focus is on quality writing and presentation.
Exam Preparation weeks 1 and 2:
Week 2:

  • Christmas Box-due Tuesday after Labour weekend. See Mrs Field for more details.
  • Leadership applications-Due Friday Week 4
  • Exam revision-new revision sheet for English plus any pages from your Action English book that you need to revise.
  • Social Sciences-revise your Olympic athlete and Key competencies.

Exams are in Week 3 and your task will be to prepare for these. We will look at ways to revise/ study in class. Please look at the Y7 Exam Preparation tab on the blog and work out which areas you need to spend the most time on. 
Please action the following tasks:
  • Action English book- pages 43,44(overdue)45,46-due Wednesday 12th October
  • Action English book- Commonly mis-spelt words page 76
  • Night Vision Task- Opening up the City- some time in class to be given but due Monday 17th October
  • English revision sheet-due ongoing
  • Student engagement survey-please complete asap
  • Year 7 leadership application-Due Friday Week 4- refer to email

Week Seven Prep-Please check this list of tasks due very carefully.

Greek and Latin Word Race Task-Due Friday the 9th September

"I Wonder" Creative task- take ONE of your questions and present for the wall in a creative and interactive way. Due NOW

Olympic Athlete/Key Competencies-  PART ONE is Due NOW. PART TWO is due Friday the 9th September.

The Olympic Games 2016 Blooms Task Matrix 7ME-     Due NOW  Minimum of 7 activities. 

The Great 7ME Reading Challenge-  Due Week 8 Wednesday 14th September.

Reading Log- Make sure that you are filling out your reading log (glued into your daybook) Due Week 8 Wednesday 14th September.

Information Report 2-Olympic Sport-overdue

One page report on Bert Munro question and title page for "The World's Fastest Indian"-Overdue. See Miss Ellingham for outline if unsure of this task.

           Week Five Prep-Please make your way through the prep this week. We have been over this in class and some class time has been given already. You need to ensure you are doing  something each night on each task as outlined below. Please let me know if you are ensure or need help.

Now due- Information report on an Olympic sport. Please share with me and also print a hard copy.

  •           The Olympic Games 2016 Blooms Task Matrix 7ME-      

          Please refer to the email that I sent you with the task matrix. Please make a copy so that you are able to highlight each activity. Highlight on each line the ONE activity you will complete (except the first line which requires two activities (medal tally and one other) All activities need to be completed digitally.  Please share with me each activity as you complete it. Two activities minimum this week please. 
         Due end of week 5 Friday. 

        Olympic Athlete and their connection to the Key Competencies

    Please look here for task on Olympic athlete In class we have talked a lot about the key competencies and how important they are in the context of life learning. By now you would have chosen an athlete and started your notes page. This isn't a fact file on the athlete but it will involve you researching on the internet,viewing youtube clips etc.. to find out how the athlete you have chosen has developed the capabilities to succeed in each competency. To guide you I have put two-three questions as a starter for each key competency but you can make up your own questions for each competency as you research.  I would like you to start with a notes page in google docs to record all of your information under each competency. If you google the youtube called Micheal Phelps     visualisation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Htw780vHH0o he talks about how he prepares for a swim meet both mentally and physically.  You can share with me any work/ first thinkings etc and I'll give feedback to check that you are on the right track. Notes page due Friday 26th August    Remember some class time will be given.

        Inspiration Zone -Did you know? Have you ever? Did you realise? Have you wondered? Keep your eyes open for?
        For prep I would like you to create an open ended question/s. This is your opportunity to research/ discover/ build/ create an answer or solution to a question that fascinates you. Create a Google Doc and come up with a list of some questions/ things that you wonder about. These are the BIG questions and need to be open ended. This link to Wonderopolis  might be a good place to start if you are struggling or check out some of the endless lists on Google. Just make a list to start with that is all that is required and we will discuss in class. We will then use our display wall to post answers to our findings. Due this Friday 26th August.

    The Great 7ME Reading Challenge- This term I have set you another reading mileage challenge in order for each of us to meet our goal of reading 4 million words this year. You also need to be filling out your reading log regularly. This is due the beginning of Week 8 Term 3.

Term 3 Week 4 prep tasks:
Writing: WALT to write an information report using appropriate language and structure informing others about a current Olympic sport. Please refer to the examples, frameworks and success criteria discussed in class.
Information report -Due Tuesday 23rd August Week 5
Your task is to choose an Olympic Sport currently in the Rio 2016 Games and present an information report on it.  Use the planning sheet provided before you start constructing your report (in your daybook)

The follow headings may help you:
·        Origins of the sport
·        History in the Olympic Games
·        Standard Rules
·        Modifications and Olympic Rules
·        Uniforms and Equipment needed
         World champs and times/records

          The Olympic Games 2016 Blooms Task Matrix 7ME-      

      Please refer to the email that I sent you with the task matrix. Please make a copy so that you are able to highlight each activity. Highlight on each line the ONE activity you will complete (except the first line which requires two activities (medal tally and one other) All activities need to be completed digitally.  Please share with me each activity as you complete it. Two activities minimum this week please. 
     Due end of week 5 Friday. 

    Olympic Athlete and their connection to the Key Competencies

Please look here for task on Olympic athlete In class we have talked a lot about the key competencies and how important they are in the context of life learning. You can make a start on this project which involves choosing any athlete that you admire competing in the Rio Olympics (any country) This isn't a fact file on the athlete but it will involve you researching on the internet,viewing youtube clips etc.. to find out how the athlete you have chosen has developed the capabilities to succeed in each competency. To guide you I have put two-three questions as a starter for each key competency but you can make up your own questions for each competency as you research.  I would like you to start with a notes page in google docs to record all of your information under each competency. On Monday I can go over the second part of the task. If you google the youtube called Micheal Phelps visualisation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Htw780vHH0o he talks about how he prepares for a swim meet both mentally and physically.  You can share with me any work/ first thinkings etc and I'll give feedback to check that you are on the right track. 

    Inspiration Zone -Did you know? Have you ever? Did you realise? Have you wondered? Keep your eyes open for?
    For prep I would like you to create an open ended question/s. This is your opportunity to research/ discover/ build/ create an answer or solution to a question that fascinates you. Create a Google Doc and come up with a list of some questions/ things that you wonder about. These are the BIG questions and need to be open ended. This link to Wonderopolis  might be a good place to start if you are struggling or check out some of the endless lists on Google. Just make a list to start with that is all that is required and we will discuss in class. We will then use our display wall to post answers to our findings.

The Great 7ME Reading Challenge- This term I have set you another reading mileage challenge in order for each of us to meet our goal of reading 4 million words this year. You also need to be filling out your reading log regularly. This is due the beginning of Week 8 Term 3.
Term 3 Week 3 prep tasks:

Writing: WALT to write an information report using appropriate language and structure informing others about a current Olympic sport. Please refer to the examples, frameworks and success criteria discussed in class.
Information report -Due Tuesday 23rd August Week 5
Your task is to choose an Olympic Sport currently in the Rio 2016 Games and present an information report on it.  Use the planning sheet provided before you start constructing your report (in your daybook)

The follow headings may help you:
·        Origins of the sport
·        History in the Olympic Games
·        Standard Rules
·        Modifications and Olympic Rules
·        Uniforms and Equipment needed

·        World champs and times/records

     The Olympic Games 2016 Blooms Task Matrix 7ME-
      Please refer to the email that I sent you with the task matrix. Please make a copy so that you are able to edit it. Highlight on each line the ONE activity you will complete (except the first line which requires two activities (medal tally and one other) All activities need to be completed digitally.

The Great 7ME Reading Challenge- This term I have set you another reading mileage challenge in order for each of us to meet our goal of reading 4 million words this year. You also need to be filling out your reading log regularly. This is due the beginning of Week 8 Term 3.
Term 3 Week 2 prep tasks:

Information report planning sheet due tomorrow planning sheet due-Tuesday 2nd August.

Writing: WALT to write an information report using appropriate language and structure about Hereworth School. The purpose of this report is prepare a report about our school to inform new families, students and old boys about Hereworth School at our Founders Day celebrations this Friday. Please refer to the examples, frameworks and success criteria discussed in class.
Information report -Due Friday 5th August. 

Teacher Read Aloud Task- This week you need to complete another ONE of the follow up tasks you have been set. The outline for this is in your daybook and has been discussed in class. This task is due Friday 5th August.

Tech Group A only- Wet Gear bag design and title page-Due for Miss Munro by this Thursday 4th August. 

The Great 7ME Reading Challenge- This term I have set you another reading mileage challenge in order for each of us to meet our goal of reading 4 million words this year. You also need to be filling out your reading log regularly. This is due the beginning of Week 8 Term 3.

Writers Notebook- Your latest task "Fact or Fib" needs to be completed by tomorrow Tuesday 6th August. You also need to ensure that all your tasks are up to date as I will be checking these this week.  Remember to fill out the page "Bits of writing that I like" and your "Word Wall".


Teacher Read Aloud Task- This week you need to complete ONE of the follow up tasks you have been set. The outline for this is in your daybook and has been discussed in class. This task is due Friday 29th July.

The Great 7ME Reading Challenge- This term I have set you another reading mileage challenge in order for each of us to meet our goal of reading 4 million words this year. You also need to be filling out your reading log regularly. This is due the beginning of Week 8 Term 3.

Writers Notebook- You need to ensure that all your tasks are up to date as I will be checking these on Friday. Remember to fill out the page "Bits of writing that I like" and your "Word Wall". This task is due Friday 29th July.

Week 8 prep tasks to complete-

Utopia- Wednesday 22nd June will be our self/peer assessment of this creative project.

Kiwi Innovators-   Innovation flowchart.  You need to be working on steps 4 and 5 of the flowchart innovation design process. I need to see your possibilities and probabilities graphic organiser and the method completed.

Film Study- Complete cover page for "The World's Fastest Indian".
Task one-Research paragraph
Answer the open question "Why is Burt Munro considered a heroic New Zealander?"
Success Criteria ( how will you know you have achieved answering this question?)
  • note-taking
  • location of resources (triangulation)
  • your ability to make judgements based on data
  • recording of references accurately
  • your ability to answer an open question

Reading Challenge-Tic Tac Toe personal reading challenge. Please remember to fill in your reading log as you read each night. Due end of term.

Maths Prep- Please refer to the maths blog for any maths work that has been set by your teacher.

Week 7 prep tasks to complete-

Utopia- complete another 3 tasks as part of your creative project this week. Due date for completion is this Friday 17th June.

Kiwi Innovators-   This week we are looking at the innovation flowchart.  Have a look at the task that we discussed in class-taking a problem that's been bugging you and working out a solution using the innovation flowchart as a guide. You need to show your initial thoughts/ideas as a brainstorm and then record the brainstorm on the "notes on my innovation" page (all this to be recorded in your daybook) Due Friday 24th June

Film Study- Complete task one-Research paragraph
Answer the open question "Why is Burt Munro considered a heroic New Zealander?"
Success Criteria ( how will you know you have achieved answering this question?)
  • note-taking
  • location of resources (triangulation)
  • your ability to make judgements based on data
  • recording of references accurately
  • your ability to answer an open question

Reading Challenge-Tic Tac Toe personal reading challenge. Please remember to fill in your reading log as you read each night. Due end of term.

Maths Prep- Please refer to the maths blog for any maths work that has been set by your teacher.

Week 5 prep tasks to complete-

Action English-pages 72 and 73 (Prefixes and suffixes) Due Friday 10th June

After our activity in class today on base words have a go at these two pages to reinforce your learning.

Utopia- complete another 3 tasks as part of your creative project this week. Due date for completion is next Friday 17th June.

Kiwi Innovators-   You may need to ask your parents/grandparents some of the answers to these questions. Please write on the page provided in your daybook for this activity. Due Friday 10th June

Reading Challenge-Tic Tac Toe personal reading challenge. Please remember to fill in your reading log as you read each night. Due end of term.

Maths Prep- Please refer to the maths blog for any maths work that has been set by your teacher.

Week 4 Prep tasks to complete-

Word definitions- Due Friday 27th May
Find out and write in your daybook the definition of the following words-. Write these in your own words so that you understand them.
Innovation ecosystem
Innovation process
Domain Knowledge

Kiwi Innovation- Due Monday 30th May-a limited amount of class time will be given as well.
After the lighting of the fire for our global concept of innovation this term with a very informative presentation from local parent,innovator and entrepreneur Mr Rod Drury you are to select one New Zealand innovation. Research to answer each of Kipling's 'servants' - see link below. Present your work on a doc or piece of paper as bullet points - What is the innovation? Where was it developed? When was it developed? Why was it developed? How has it impacted on everyday life? How does it work? Who was the innovator? Which invention did it improve on? etc then write your research into a paragraph at the end. Include an image. 

Extra for Experts-Have a go at the kids Lit Quiz handout.

Reading Challenge-Tic Tac Toe personal reading challenge. How is your personal reading challenge going? You have until the end of term to complete a tic tac toe-for in a row! Good luck. Please share the books that you complete with Miss Ellingham and your parents as you go.
Check out this link below-how many of these books have you read already? How many can you read by the end of the year?
Reminder- Innovation materials- Can you please help? If you have any of the following items at home which you can donate for our global concept of "innovation" please bring to school and place in the box in class. Thank you.

  • plastic tubes-which hold tennis balls
  • craft sticks (popsicle sticks)
  • paper clips
  • rubber bands
  • cardboard tubes
  • cups-plastic
  • straws
  • craft foam
  • tin foil
  • toothpicks
  • pipe cleaners
  • card-plain and coloured
  • masking tape
  • small plastic bowls
  • marbles
  • small toy figure (like a lego man)

  • Maths Prep- Please refer to the maths blog for any maths work that has been set by your teacher.

Week 3 Prep tasks to complete-
 1. CSI chart on our global concept of "Innovation"- Due Tuesday 17th May
Please complete the chart in your daybook related to innovation. Remember to write your understanding of innovation in the box at the top of the page first before you start the CSI part. For each of the three areas please state WHY you choose that colour,symbol and image. Please see the example below related to the Hunger Games to help you. 
Symbol- is a sign,shape or object that is used to represent something else eg a heart shape is the symbol of love. 
Image-A picture in your mind or an idea of how someone or something really is.

2. My top ten innovations of all time (in order of importance) research. Due Friday 20th May
Complete the sheet in your daybook. This task requires you to research what you believe are the top ten innovations of all time with a reason for your ranking. Draft first before writing down your final rankings. Remember to write a definition of what you think innovation is in the box provided at the top of the page..Be prepared to justify and discuss in class on Friday.
3.Reading log-You need to be filling out your personal reading log of all books that you are currently reading. Please include the number of words and pages in the appropriate column. Our target is 4 million words this year and we are aiming to read 20 pages per night. Are you up to the challenge?

4.Reading Challenge-Tic Tac Toe personal reading challenge. How is your personal reading challenge going? You have until the end of term to complete a tic tac toe-for in a row! Good luck. Please share the books that you complete with Miss Ellingham and your parents as you go. 
Check out this link below-how many of these books have you read already? How many can you read by the end of the year?

50 books every New Zealand kid should read by the age of 12 years old.
5.Maths Prep- Please refer to the maths blog for any maths work that has been set by your teacher.

6. Innovation materials- Can you please help? If you have any of the following items at home which you can donate for our global concept of "innovation" please bring to school and place in the box in class. Thank you.

  • plastic tubes-which hold tennis balls
  • craft sticks (popsicle sticks)
  • paper clips
  • rubber bands
  • cardboard tubes
  • cups-plastic
  • straws
  • craft foam
  • tin foil
  • toothpicks
  • pipe cleaners
  • card-plain and coloured
  • masking tape
  • small plastic bowls
  • marbles
  • small toy figure (like a lego man)

Week 2 Prep task to complete

Google Ninja Group-expressions of interest-due to Miss Westcott this Friday 13th May

  • Please refer to the email sent to you for the outline of job and google form to submit. If you did not receive the email please see me so that I can forward it onto you. If you need any help answering the questions please ask.

Reading log-You need to be filling out your personal reading log of all books that you are currently reading. Please include the number of words and pages in the appropriate column. Our target is 4 million words this year and we are aiming to read 20 pages per night. Are you up to the challenge?

Reading Challenge-Tic Tac Toe personal reading challenge. How is your personal reading challenge going? You have until the end of term to complete a tic tac toe-for in a row! Good luck. Please share the books that you complete with Miss Ellingham and your parents as you go. 
Check out this link below-how many of these books have you read already? How many can you read by the end of the year?

50 books every New Zealand kid should read by the age of 12 years old.

Evolving English-  This term we are learning to become wordsmiths.
For each word write the "original" meaning, and the "internet" based meaning as discussed and modelled in class. Choose 4 of the words  to share tomorrow with the class that you have researched the original meaning and internet meaning for. The task has been outlined and glued into your daybook.

Maths Prep- Please refer to the maths blog for any maths work that has been set by your teacher.


After a two week break, we are back at school and ready and raring to go!

7ME Personal Reading Challenge -Tic Tac Toe
Our personal reading challenge starts today. It’s all about reading mileage and the importance of reading. Please keep track of the books and words you read using the reading log.
  • Reading 20 pages per day – quantity not quality is important. 
  • Comics are fine (2000 words) especially Tin Tin which has (8000 words)
  • Mileage is important – 4 million words per year is our target-whew! ( are you on target??)

TASK-Due-Ongoing for Term Two

Choose a personal tic-tac-toe reading challenge-either The “F, D, S or B Challenge”. Once you read an entire book get either Miss Ellingham or your parents to sign in the square. When you have read any four books in a row, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally and they have been signed see Miss Ellingham and start another challenge….happy reading!

Sesquipedalian Words-Our focus is trying to become WordSmiths
TASK-Due-Friday 6th May
Choose one Sesquipedalian word from the list (glued in your daybook) that appeals to you and write this in your word wall page of your writers notebook. 
Remember "Sesquipedalian" is a word containing many syllables: it is a really long word. In Latin, it translates to a “foot and a half”. 

As part of your presentation you need to:
·         Write your word/s in funky word art
·         Write how you pronounce it
·         Write it’s definition and what part of speech it is eg noun,verb etc..
·         Draw an illustration of the word.

You will need to share your chosen word in a small group. 

       Have a look at the words I have modelled…try to be as creative as you can. All              words will be displayed in the classroom on our word wall.

    Social Sciences

Maths Prep-Please look on the maths blog for any prep that your Maths teacher may have set.

"Autograph your work with quality"

Week 11 prep-

  • You will need to complete your digital presentation and have it handed into Miss Ellingham Wednesday 13th April.

  • As discussed last week start thinking about 3-4 factors that cross over (for the iceberg diagram) for two of the significant events that you have chosen to research using Kipling's seven servants.

  • Pepeha-we will complete these tomorrow afternoon in class so please be prepared when you are called up to present.

Week 10 prep- This week your prep involves the preparation of a passage from a book (your choice) to present to the class in week 11 and the digital presentation of educating visitors to New Zealand due Wednesday week 11. I suggest that with the digital presentation that you try to aim to complete one aspect per night (minimum) as outlined below. 

Please also note that I have changed the success criteria weightings for the LS Rickard Oral English-Introduction is now 2 and preparedness is 5. 

You need to select a passage from a book to present to the class - it needs to be 1.5 - 2 minutes long. You will be marked using the criteria below and will present your pieces to the class on Monday and Tuesday of Week 11. A Year 7 final will then be held with successful students moving to the Year 7/8 final in the Chapel on Friday 15 April at 10.30 am. Successful finalists will also have to read an unseen piece. 
Choose an extract from a story that is familiar to you; that will hold the audience's attention and that gives plenty of opportunity for expression - then
practise, practise, practise!

 Success Criteria:


Eye Contact


Volume & Clarity




Click on image below for details of the digital presentation to educate visitors to New Zealand about what it means to be a New Zealander - we will discuss this in class on Wednesday.

Week 9 Prep

Kia ora koutou,
Welcome to a very busy week 9. You need to read carefully through the list below and ensure that you meet the deadlines for each task set.
  • Think sheet- 'What it means to be a New Zealander?' sheet filled in - be detailed in your responses please. due Friday 1 April. 
  • Select a passage for the LS Rickard Oral English Competition - details below.
  • Practise your pepeha to present in class this Wednesday,Thursday,Friday (week 9)- remember detail, correct pronunciation etc as discussed in class.
  • Check Maths class blog-dates vary for work due.
  • Action English book-New Zealand words and phrases (page 49) due Wednesday 30 March.
  • Complete all writers notebook tasks-overdue!
  • Significant event in New Zealand history using Kiplings seven servants-you need to have two completed by the end of this week - due Friday 1 April. 
  • Read through NZ Identity research task outlined below

You need to select a passage from a book to present to the class - it needs to be 1.5 - 2 minutes long. You will be marked using the criteria below and will present your pieces to the class on Monday and Tuesday of Week 11. A Year 7 final will then be held with successful students moving to the Year 7/8 final in the Chapel on Friday 15 April at 10.30 am. Successful finalists will also have to read an unseen piece. 
Choose an extract from a story that is familiar to you; that will hold the audience's attention and that gives plenty of opportunity for expression - then
practise, practise, practise!

 Success Criteria:


Eye Contact


Volume & Clarity




Click on image below for details of the digital presentation to educate visitors to New Zealand about what it means to be a New Zealander - we will discuss this in class on Wednesday.

Week 7 Prep

Pepeha-Your Pepeha will be presented in class this week so you need to be prepared with your speech and visual presenation. Make sure that you have shared your pepeha with me.


 Select one of the events you chose last week to present on the timeline of significant events in New Zealand history. Research to answer each of Kipling's 'servants' - see link below. Present your work on a doc or piece of paper as bullet points - What? Where? When etc then write your research into a paragraph. Include an image.

Week Six

Kia ora and welcome to week 6. Remember to plan your prep commitments out carefully for the week so you don't get behind. Use the timetable provided in class to assist you with planning out your week.

Identify 3 significant events in the history of New Zealand which you consider had the most impact in making New Zealand the country it is today (as discussed in class) Record these on three separate cards (provided) - these will be displayed on the wall and will form the basis of discussions and compare and contrast work this week. Please make sure your writing is large enough to be read and that spelling is correct. Remember to include the date,event and your name on the card. Due Thursday 10th March

Writers notebook task-complete twelve doors ready to share in class tomorrow-Tuesday 8th March. If you wish to cover your writers notebook please have this done by the end of this week(6)

Complete your crazy machine writing task- Due Wednesday 9 March. Remember it is an explanation so it needs a title for your machine,diagrams with explanations of how it actually works.

Week Five

Kia ora and welcome to week 5. Please remember to get your Turangawaewae photo verified by your parents by signing the sheet in the back of your day book (or get your parent to email me with verifiying)

Your prep this week is:

Uniquely Me

As part of our term focus around "Turangawaewae" you will take an in depth look at what makes you and your family unique. You already have the outline for this. Due date Monday 7th March Week 6


Research your pepeha-please refer to the success criteria to make sure you have recrafted your pepeha to meet the requirements. 


You need to be reading for at least 10-15 minutes each night

You may also have prep from other teachers, maths science languages etc so you need to check those blog sites.

Week Four

Tena Koutou katoa.

Dictionary Meaning-

Refer to task outline discussed and modelled in class. I have shared with you the template to use for this task. Due Friday 26th February.

Word Origins-

Complete the activity -Words,where do they come from? Due Friday 26th February.


Research your pepeha-Due Friday March 4th-we will be presenting on this day as well.

Photography Competition-

Refer to task outline in your daybook. Due Wednesday 2nd March.

Week Two

Kia ora koutou,
Welcome to week two.

Book Review

As part of 7ME's 10 out of 10 book recommendations your task this week is to create a dust jacket of a book that you have either read, or had read to you, that you feel others in the class would enjoy reading. Basically a book that you would rate as a firm 10 out of 10. In class we will be discussing the features of a dust jacket eg title,name of author and illustrator,synopsis of story (summary),author biography,reviews, and publisher's information.  Please use the template provided in class from Miss Ellingham to assist you with this. Any drafting is to be done in your day book first so that it can be edited and re crafted before publishing. You can either publish by hand or use a computer.

Please make sure that the book you are reviewing is at school everyday this week. Due date- Monday 16th February.


Week One 

What a fantastic start to the year 7ME has had today.  

Individual Dossier Task-Please complete the individual dossier you were given in class today. This is due Tuesday 9th February-Week 2  
These dossiers will be complied to make a class book so please pay attention to detail ie: spelling,grammar,use of colour,lettering and images.

Writing Task-Due by Friday the 5th February 

Your first writing task is to write me a letter (handwritten in your neatest writing or computer generated) introducing yourself. This isn't going to be a shared piece of writing with the class,so feel free to write whatever you like. You could tell me about your family,strengths,weaknesses,learning styles,favourite subjects (and why), academic achievements,hobbies,sports,fears,hopes,dreams,goals for this year and beyond.
This will need to be at least a page (A4) in length. It shouldn't be too hard-the topic is all about you after all! I'm really looking forward to finding out about you! 

Instagram Task-Due by Friday the 5th February 

As discussed today in class Instagram is the world's largest photo sharing app. As part of a classroom display I would like you to either email me/scan and bring to school a photo/s which you feels depict who you are as a person.  

Image result for instagram