Term Four Week 5

Onwards and upwards until the end of the year. The boys are a little excitable at the moment, understandable, but I am reaffirming to them that we don't finish until December the 10th so they will be working right through until then. There is a lot going on so please keep an eye on the calendar.

Prep: Quiz- 2 each week until we catch up
Speech: Topic of choice. This is a top priority
Action English: The boys have the pages to work through

Term Four Week 2

Well exams are finished and the boys coped well with the whole process. Back into the school work and full on to the end of term 4 and the year.
The boys will have prep as per normal from now on. The major focus will be Speech which for Year 7 and 8 is in week 8. The boys are to choose a topic and prepare a speech which they must present to the class in Week 7. I have asked the boys to choose a topic they know something about. The speech is to be between 2 and a half and 5 minutes long. It is to be on cue cards.

Prep: Quiz- 2 each week until we catch up
Speech: Topic of choice
Action English: Pages 24 and 25 if applicable

Term Four Week 2

Hi everyone. Yes old age creeps up. I thought I had filled this in last week but no.
Exams next week so the boys have all managed their own revision timetable. The exam timetable and exam prep (what is covered in exams) is in the 8KP blog and all boys know where to find this.
The boys have come back ready to go and I have assured them they will be working right through until Saturday 10 December. Year 8itis is a common occurrence so reinforcement from home in this regard is very helpful. I love teaching your young men and look forward to seeing them get through to the end of the year safely and well.
Prep: Exam revision

Term Three Week 7

What a great formal on Friday night. As always it is without doubt one of my favourite events on the Hereworth calendar. A busy last 2 weeks to the term coming up so please be mindful of checking the calendar and keeping your young man focused on finishing the term strongly.
Huntley is on Thursday which I know many of the boys are looking forward to.
Weekly Quiz: The boys are doing 1 this week. Excellent results lately. Great fun.
Reading: At least 15 minutes a night. This may be done in bed and even can be a shared activity between you and your son. They love being read to.
Action English: Pages  54-55.
Science tonight: A sheet to complete for class tomorrow. This is number one priority.

Term Three Week 5

Well good to be back into things and with a full class on all 3 days. The boys are starting to get used to be back in the classroom again even with the distraction of water bottles. Hopefully we can have everything back to normal on the water front asap. A busy few weeks through to the end of the term. The Huntley fixture has been postponed and if you can help with billets in 2 weeks time that would be great. Sandy Lane on the last day of term with winter sports prize giving and school finished by 12pm. House singing is also added in the mix so all in all a busy run in and some class work as well.

Prep: (Some of this is carry over)
Weekly Quiz: The boys are doing 2 again this week. They did well last week. 24 Questions in each quiz which are GK type questions. Great fun.
Reading: At least 15 minutes a night. This may be done in bed and even can be a shared activity between you and your son. They love being read to.
Action English: Pages  47-48, 50 A-B, 51-52 F-G.

Term Three Week 3

Hi everyone. Well the term has started with a hurry and all is going well. We asked for the rain adn boy did we get it. After the disruptions of the last 2 weeks here is hoping we settle in and move on through a short term. Busy week again this week with Kids Sing and Dilworth.  The boys are back into routine and working well.

Weekly Quiz: The boys are doing 2 for these first few weeks to catch up. They did well last week. 24 Questions in each quiz which are GK type questions. Great fun.
Action English: Pages 43-46. We have been through these in class and the boys have made a start.
Reading: At least 15 minutes a night. This may be done in bed and even can be a shared activity between you and your son. They love being read to.

The topic being covered in S.S. is Connections and in Year 8 we are looking at Interdependence. The boys have all got a very good understanding of what this means and have taken a full part in the lessons so far.

Term Two Week 8

Two weeks to go. Busy again this week with Wellesley coming on Thursday afternoon. A lot of boys involved.

Last New Zealand quiz. Great results from last week with a vast majority of 18's and 19's. Well done
New Zealand Quiz: 2 page quiz which is due this Friday. Due Monday next week due to Wellesley exchange and billeting etc. 20 questions in each on Famous NZers Part 2.  Boys are expected to get a minimum of 16 as all questions are researched. I am expecting all boys to get 16 or above this week. Still great to see the boys enjoying this.

Action English: Ongoing on Spelling and Sentence Structure.

Reading: At least 15 minutes a night. This may be done in bed and even can be a shared activity between you and your son. They love being read to.

Term Two Week 7

Not far until the end of the term now. The boys are working well and I have seen great improvement in wanting to complete work accurately and neatly from the vast majority of them. This is a goal for all of the boys.

New Zealand Quiz: 2 page quiz which is due this Friday. Monday for the choir boys. 20 questions in each on Famous NZers.  Boys are expected to get a minimum of 16 as all questions are researched. I am expecting all boys to get 16 or above this week. Still great to see the boys enjoying this.

Action English: Spelling Section which the boys have been working on in class as well. Comprehension pages at the back of the book to be worked through. I would expect at least 2 of these completed this week. I have been through this with the boys.

Reading: At least 15 minutes a night. This may be done in bed and even can be a shared activity between you and your son. They love being read to.

Term Two Week 5

A busy week ahead as usual for all boys. A number are travelling north to Hamilton on Wednesday and due back Friday. Great to have a long weekend ahead.

New Zealand Quiz: 2 quizzes which are due by 10 June which is the end of next week due to the sports trip. 20 questions in each on NZ Literature and NZ at War.  Boys are expected to get a minimum of 16 as all questions are researched. I am expecting all boys to get 16 or above this week. Still great to see the boys enjoying this.

Action English: Comprehension pages at the back of the book to be worked through. I would expect at least 2 of these completed this week. I have been through this with the boys.

Reading: At least 15 minutes a night. This may be done in bed and even can be a shared activity between you and your son. They love being read to.

Term Two Week 4

Exams are over so back into normal prep. The boys did very well from what I could tell in the exam process. I certainly saw a real effort to make sure they were ready for each exam. I do know some found it a bit daunting but that is why we do exams here. Prepare for Year 9 and onwards.

New Zealand Quiz: Science and Technology this week. 20 questions. Boys are expected to get a minimum of 16 as all questions are researched. I am expecting all boys to get 16 or above this week. Still great to see the boys enjoying this.

Oral English: Comprehension pages at the back of the book to be worked through. I would expect at least 2 of these completed this week. I have been through this with the boys.

Reading: At least 15 minutes a night. This may be done in bed and even can be a shared activity between you and your son. They love being read to.

Term Two Week 2

Hi Everyone

We had a good first week getting back into school and what that entails and apart from a chatty first few days everyone settled well.

Exams next week so please find below what the boys need to be looking at when revising. We have been through this as a class and workshops have been held to clarify specific areas of exams.
8IS have also looked at a revision timetable and the boys have been reminded about what is expected to achieve results they can be proud of.

Prep this week will be revision only.

The exam timetable is: Tuesday-Science, Wednesday-Literacy/SS, Thursday-Maths. All exams start at 8:15 or as close to as possible until 10:10. They will take place in the hall.

Scot's visit this week so here is hoping the boys step up and come away with some good wins. Winning isn't everything but it is a lot better than losing.

When are the exams this term?
  • Science: Tuesday May 17th
  • Literacy/Social Sciences: Wednesday May 18th
  • Maths: Thursday May 19th

What will be in the exams?

Literacy and Social Sciences
Knowledge Sections - 40%
  • Surface Features of English (spelling, grammar, punctuation and parts of speech)
  • Compare and Contrast
Application Sections - 60%
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Recount Writing
  • Compare and Contrast Thinking

Maths: Number Levels 3 - 5
  • Converting words to numbers and vice versa
  • Place value
  • Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
  • Fractions (Converting)
  • Percentages (Converting)
  • Decimals (Converting)
  • Exponents
  • Problem Solving

  • Knowledge section:  40 marks
    • General knowledge multichoice questions.
  • Application Section: 60 marks
    • Identifying and applying the skills of science covered during the first term.

Term One Week 11
Well here we are. Last week of Term 1. A great term overall with a few things to tidy up by Friday. The boys are well on track with their work, so they tell me, so I am looking forward to seeing what they have come up with when I get all the work handed in.
All the boys did a great Oral English reading and congratulations to Henry for getting through to the Year 8 final today.

Just a quick note in regards to sports teams being named this week. The boys have all got expectations of what team they want to be in and hopes that they will make that team. In many cases this will be what happens but for some boys there will be disappointment. As a coach at school I can honestly say the process that we go through is very thorough and all boys get a good chance to make their case for selection in the team they would like to be in. If by chance they do not achieve their "dream" please help them to realise that they need to keep working hard and who knows what might happen down the track so to speak. We as coaches will certainly chat to the boys and make sure they understand and help them strive to do their best for the team they are selected in.

Thanks again for your support during the term and I hope the holidays go well for you all. I look forward to a busy, what's new at Hereworth, Term 2.

Take care

Term One Week 10
A wonderful day at EIT marae yesterday. As you can probably see on the boys legs they thoroughly got into the haka and all other activities. A wonderful experience.
Full speed ahead for the last 2 weeks.

Below is a summary of what the boys are looking to cover which will be a combination of prep and class time. I have emailed a Pepeha to all boys to use as a "guide."

Work to be completed:

Pepeha- In class with all class listening
Oral English- 1.5/2.5 minute reading. Class reading on Thursday and Friday
Digital Presentation- Sent to me by Wednesday 13 April

The boys are all well on the way.

They may also have prep from other teachers, maths science etc so need to check those blog sites.

Term One Week 9
A great Gala and a very successful trip to Wellington for the the teams who traveled. I know the boys who stayed behind really enjoyed the programme that was offered and were talking very enthusiatically about it all day today.
Our focus over the coming weeks is our Digital Presentation/Pepeha/Oral English.

The first 2 will be covered with time in class but the boys may choose to follow this up at home as well. I have asked them to log the time spent on the Digital Presentation with a short note about what they have done. The Oral English is a passage from a book they know and have read. The boys will do a class read through before I choose the best 3 or 4 for the Year 8 final and from this the best will go through to the Year 7 and 8 final on the last Friday of term.

Prep to be completed by Friday:

New Zealand Quiz: Sport this week. 20 questions. Boys are expected to get a minimum of 16 as all questions are researched. I am expecting all boys to get 16 or above this week. Great to see the boys enjoying this.

Reading: At least 15 minutes a night. This may be done in bed and even can be a shared activity between you and your son. They love being read to. Oral English can also be part of this

They may also have prep from other teachers, maths science etc so need to check those blog sites.

Term One Week 7

Thanks for all contributions to the Tombola. Best I have ever seen a Year 8 class. Class is going very well and I am sure this will continue through the rest of this term and onwards. Great bunch of lads. The trip to Wellington is next week and I am emphasising to those travelling that school work and behaviour must be complete and first rate to make sure they get on the bus. Not a concern but a general reminder. Just remember the Gala this coming Sunday and all boys are expected to attend.

Prep to be completed by Friday:

Action English: Pages 115 and 117. This is focusing on Comprehension Skills. Boys will be reminded to be as neat as possible.

New Zealand Quiz: The Arts and Entertainment this week. 20 questions. Boys are expected to get a minimum of 16 as all questions are researched. Great results last week.I am expecting all boys to get 16 or above this week. Great to see the boys enjoying this.

Reading: At least 15 minutes a night. This may be done in bed and even can be a shared activity between you and your son. They love being read to.

They may also have prep from other teachers, maths science etc so need to check those blog sites.

Term One Week 6

A brilliant effort by all at the swimming sports. I have just reminded the boys about the gala and tombola box. Henry dropped off 18 this morning so a great start. At the moment he will eat the morning tea on his own. The boys are expected to help out in some way on the day of the gala and also attend to spend. They usually dress in their grey uniform but if this changes I will let you know. We are doing the PAT tests on line so can all the boys have their devices fully charged and at school each day please.

Prep to be completed by Friday:

Action English: Pages 111 and 113. This is focusing on Comprehension Skills. Boys will be reminded to be as neat as possible.

New Zealand Quiz: Geography this week. 20 questions. Boys are expected to get a minimum of 16 as all questions are researched. Better effort last week I am expecting all boys to get 16 or above this week.

Reading: At least 15 minutes a night. This may be done in bed and even can be a shared activity between you and your son. They love being read to.

They may also have prep from other teachers, maths science etc so need to check those blog sites.

Term One Week 5

Hi all. Sorry about the delay in a post but here goes for 2016. I will endeavour to make sure this is updated each week followed up with an email as well.

This week is busy again with a tired bunch as the heat drains all. Disco tomorrow night, Southwell arrive Wednesday and play Thursday and then swim sports Friday. All in all a good way to keep the boys occupied and out of mischief.

Prep to be completed by Friday:

Action English: Pages 107 and 109. This is focusing on Comprehension Skills. Boys will be reminded to be as neat as possible.

New Zealand Quiz: Geography this week. 20 questions. Boys are expected to get a minimum of 16 as all questions are researched. Not a great effort last week but I will give them one more chance.

Reading: At least 15 minutes a night. This may be done in bed and even can be a shared activity between you and your son. They love being read to.

They may also have prep from other teachers, maths science etc so need to check those blog sites.