Languages Year 7

Year 7 Languages 2016

with Kaiko Mrs Kasper / Kasper sensei

 Term 1 & 2 Te Reo Maori
 Term 3 & 4 Japanese

Welcome to Languages at Hereworth School.  You have the exciting opportunity to learn both Te Reo Maori and Japanese.  

Skills we will focus on and develop are:

Reading, and

Remember these sayings from the Daurma and Tiki,

Piki ake ki te tihi   Strive for excellence!

Generally any missed or incomplete classwork is set.  

TERM 4 Japanese 'Non nobis solum'
Week 8 and 9
Japanese cultural games

Week 7
Incorporate sumo strengthening exercises into your daily routine.  How does it feel?

Week 6
Year 7 Sumo 'yokozuna' information - List highlights

Week 5
Continuing with Matsuri pair presentation.  Have workbooks in a presentable state.

Week 4
Matsuri pair presentation.  Have workbooks in a presentable state.

Week 3
Continue with matsuri 'non nobis solum' preparation

Week 2
Review alphabet sounds.  Mind map matsuri festival information plan for next week.

Week 1
Culture in language - compare and contrast NZ and Japan

TERM 3 Japanese

Week 8
Play Karuta!!

Week 7
Formulate and formalise your haiku style clue card message

Week 6
Choose your cultural aspect for your Karuta card

Week 5
Research KARUTA Japanese card game and be prepared to share known facts.

Week 3/4
Review AIEOU hiragana handwriting

Week 2
Research the significance of Sadako. Min 50 words explanation

Week 1
Focus on bowing with the correct etiquette!

Term 2
Week 9
Consolidation and revision week.  Ka pai!

Week 8 for Week 9
Continued delivery of presentation of Maori word origin.  Focus on pronunciation!

Week 7 for Week 8
Delivery of presentation of Maori word origin.  Focus on pronunciation!

Week 6 for Week 7
Reflect on the significance of Matariki occurring this week.

Week 5 for Week 6
Prepare and practice for presentation.  Focus on pronunciation!

Week 4 for Week 5
Finalise Maori origin street / road name and place origin.  

Week 3 for Week 4
Revise and review te reo pronunciations of main greetings.  Say it aloud for listening practice too.

Week 2 for Week 3
Begin to note and use greetings reliant on people numbers.  eg. teena koe, teena korua, teena koutou.

Week 1 for Week 2
Begin familiarising yourself with a Maori street/road name and place to research on an A4 page

Term 1
** Enjoy the break **
Week 10 for Week 11
Revise maori numbers and patterns

Week 9 for Week 10
Re-read for understanding 'On the Marae' classwork

Week 8 for Week 9
Draw and label a general Marae layout.

Week 7 for Week 8
Complete 'On the Marae' worksheet 1 and 2.  Re-read for understanding.

Week 6  for Week 7
Complete Days of the Week Nga ra o te wiki booklets with the two Maori versions.

Week 5  for Week 6
Complete TIKI colouring and six relative questions on Who / What/ When/ Where/ How & Why.  Approximately 100 words.