8KP Prep Wk 5 and 6

We have two pieces of learning running in tandem.  Please work on either your debate ready for Monday wk 6 or your 1st ''Non Nobis Solum' project ...

Click here to link to 'Non Nobis Solum'

Click here to link to 'Let's Debate'

Welcome back to Term 4 everyone!

Our end of year exams are in Wk 3.  Over the upcoming weeks we will be preparing.  Remember:

Your subject teachers will be setting you up for success.  Click here to link to our Literacy Exam Prep tips presentation.  Good luck!

Here is the link to our Wk 1 & 2 Literacy Learning Plan for preparation.
Click here to link to the exam content doc for all subjects.

Your Week 3 exam days are times are as follows:

Congratulations to our Rio Home Learning Challenge Winners:

1st place:  Tom G2nd place:  Z'Arn 3rd place:  Tom M

Week 8:

Your completed 'Rio Home Learning Challenges' are due to 

Mrs Panapa by 5pm on Tuesday 13th September!

                                                               Image result for due date image

This week is 'Debate Time'  Click here to ensure you are prepared and know the judges criteria

                                                   Image result for debate

debate marking rubric.PNG

Week 6:  29th August to 2 September

Just a reminder to complete your Rio Olympic Home Learning Challenges.  A minimum of 2 per section are due by Tuesday wk 8.  

Click here to link to the challenge rubric.

This week we will be continuing our learning in Persuasive Writing. 

We will be exploring how to:

  • write an effective thesis (introduction)
  • present a well research argument
  • target a intended audience with a clear purpose

    Click here to link to Week 6 Workshops

Click here to link to our 8KP learning site

Congratulations to all boys for their informative and inspirational sharing of the 'Ultimate Learning Environment'

Click on the links below to hear our perspectives and thoughts.

Graphics - By Luke, Eric and Cormac
The Ultimate Learning Environment - By Henry, Taine and George A
TULE - Tom D and Tom M
Class QR codes - Zones - George D
Room design - Ned and Matthew

Home Learning Challenge Term 3

  • You must complete two activities on each line, but you may do more than this for extra points.

  • Remember that your presentation matters!  Think about using consistent styles for borders, lettering etc, and plan how you will set up your work.  
  • Number each activity in your book/doc with the corresponding activity number.
  • As you complete an activity, hand it in for marking.  There will be a box on the book shelf.  Record your point allocation for each activity at the top of each page, so that you can keep a running total.

Click here to link to the challenge. You are expected to complete 45 minutes prep each week night. Make sure you optimise your prep time.

Good luck!!

Congratulations to Eric who won the photo competition last term.

Enjoy this incredible shot - Well done Eric!

Come to 8MW as well...