Tuesday 9 February 2016

The Year 8 boys headed off to camp at the Mohaka today and the week ahead looks great weatherwise. Year 7 boys it will be our turn next week so please ensure you are starting to get the gear required together. Gear List Link . Please ensure Medical forms are returned to school. Medical Form .
Many thanks for offers of help for both Year 7 and 8 camps. 

Your son's will soon be given a finalised copy of the timetable. Science for Y7 will begin this week, specialist classes, other than Languages began last week and the new languages program will start to roll out next week with all classes underway by Week 4. In classes we are continuing to assess students to ensure they are grouped appropriately. Maths bands will be finalised this week and you will be notified which class your son will be in for Maths next Monday, 15 February.